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Diversity Councils, Committees, and Commissions



Welcome to Coop Di Leu U’s CCC menu of courses! Here is where you get support for managing diverse perspectives and agendas. It’s not an easy thought or task, but our approaches will provide light where you most need it. Get ready to understand how responsibility and authority have distinctively different meanings. Learn how to align your committee’s work with the institution’s context instead of content written for public reference. Because your work as a committee or council chair is likely NOT your primary role, it would be best to browse all the course offerings before choosing. Get what you need first, then sharpen your skills in other realms of CCC leadership. Core questions addressed among all courses are:


  • What drives the need for my council, committee, or commission?

  • How do I align the visions of my CCC among my members?

  • Who should the CCC expect to impact?

  • Where should my leadership set precedence?


The CCC lineup is heavily designed with the H.U.S.T.L.E. model for transformative diversity leadership & education. Participants will incorporate patterns of thought and behaviors essential to transformative leadership of diverse interests. Your experience from these courses will engage you with others who have made mistakes, experienced success, and are willing to share what they’ve learned for your benefit! Expect to begin engagement very soon after registering for your course, even before the official start date! You’ll get more than expected because we believe you got this!

Core Modules

H.U.S.T.L.E. Concept and Application

Essential Values that Ensure Success at Diversity Leadership 


Date: March 6 – March 24, 2023  |  Cost: $395

This course is more than a refresher about values that make people consider being a diversity professional. It is a strategic and memorable approach to necessary actions behind people and service-oriented values. It sets the tone for self-discovery, skillset analyses, and the courage needed to be an effective diversity professional.

Examining Diversity Paradigms: Past, Present, Future:

Know History, Know Vision – No History, No Vision 


Date: Future Course  |  Cost: $450

registration starts soon

This course details the core components of four primary areas of social growth, from separation to globalization. Participants identify patterns and processes that define each space and understand how paradigm shifts come to fruition.

Dissecting the Charge:

Meanings & Implications for the Council’s Assembly 


Date: Coming Fall 2023  |  Cost: $395

registration starts soon

This course will help establish the purpose, action plans, protocol, and partnerships needed for effective council assembly. It breaks down what a council’s “charge” should look like and distinguishes the committee from an ERG or coalition. It also emphasizes how the council functions as an advisory entity that impacts transformation via its processes for tracking, measuring, and informing decision-makers.

Context-Specific Modules

Affirmative Action and Diversity:

Knowing the Difference is NOT Common 


Date: Coming Summer 2023  |  Cost: $395

registration starts soon

Too many still are confused about how affirmative action and diversity should be separated, if at all. This course clears the air and provides specific “separators” that give substance to awkward conversations and the need to articulate the core values of each concept.

Divide and Conquer

Charge Responsibility and Assignment Authority 


Date: Future Course  |  Cost: $450

registration starts soon

This course targets the “thought life” of councils and committees. It helps leaders and members own and model transformative behaviors while executing their duties. Participants are both empowered and synchronized for sustainability and substance.

Talking the Talk: Communicating Up, Down, and Across the Institution

Distribute the message to every person and through every policy. 


Date: Future Course  |  Cost: $450

registration starts soon

Come together with purpose and passion after being assembled! Learn core principles for institution-wide communication and projecting confident, credible, and trustworthy information. Discover influence strategies and learn how to critically evaluate the council’s effectiveness at knowledge transfer.

Equity-Minded Diversity Leadership

Unlock the Power of a Few Good Council People


Date: April 24 – May 15, 2023  |  Cost: $395

registration starts soon

Cultivating and practicing equity begins with tone and tune declaration. This course helps engender personal growth, creativity, and learning for transformation as individuals and as a group.

Leading without a Leader for a Diverse, Equitable, and Inclusive Culture

Maximize individual, team, and organizational potential for the greater good. 


Date: Coming Summer 2023  |  Cost: $450

registration starts soon

Boost team performance by leveraging differences within the group. Gain deeper insight about self, team members, and inherent benefits through assessments, exercises, and more. In addition, learn how to map every decision back to values and beliefs promoted by senior leaders.

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