aspiring diversity professionals
Welcome to Coop Di Leu U’s ADP menu of courses! The core and context-specific courses below address three vital questions about work as a diversity professional.
What are core values essential for greatness in transformative diversity leadership?
What are the fundamental differences between diversity administration and affirmative action?
Do I really want to do this (be a diversity professional)?
The answers to the questions above help aspiring diversity professionals increase their knowledge and understanding of the role. They also identify skills and internal capacity necessary during times of crisis, value challenges, and political interference.
Other ADP courses help you get a firmer grasp of the profession’s history and understand why the context of DEI has an exponential impact on the workplace and your life. We want you to make the right decision for your life and career. You should know about essential things before you hurl your aspirations into action. Let us work with you first, then decide the best pathway for your career.
Core Modules
H.U.S.T.L.E. Concept and Application
Essential Values that Ensure Success at Diversity Leadership
Date: March 6, - March 24, 2023 | Cost: $395
This course is more than a refresher about values that make people consider being a diversity professional. It is a strategic and memorable approach to necessary actions behind people and service-oriented values. It sets the tone for self-discovery, skillset analyses, and the courage needed to be an effective diversity professional.
Examining Diversity Paradigms: Past, Present, Future:
Know History, Know Vision – No History, No Vision
Date: Future Course | Cost: $450
This course details the core components of four primary areas of social growth, from separation to globalization. Participants identify patterns and processes that define each space and understand how paradigm shifts come to fruition.
Context-Specific Modules
Affirmative Action and Diversity:
Knowing the Difference is NOT Common
Date: Coming Summer 2023 | Cost: $395
Too many still are confused about how affirmative action and diversity should be separated, if at all. This course clears the air and provides specific “separators” that give substance to awkward conversations and the need to articulate the core values of each concept.
There’s No Class for This!
Personal Temperament for the Job
Date: Future Course | Cost: $450
This grassroots course answers the “dumb questions” about the growing profession. It tackles most of the unsung nuances of the role with hard-hitting and fair advice at its core. Decide if you really want to do this. Enroll to find out for sure.
Effective Group Facilitation
Prepping for the Inevitable
Date: Future Course | Cost: $395
This interactive course provides participants with the tools to effectively manage small and large groups.
D.E.I.: What is It Really About?
Get the Real 101
Date: Coming Fall 2023 | Cost: $450
Develop an authentic understanding of why D.E.I. (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) is impacting your life every day. Assess how you process this information and recognize ways businesses can make D.E.I. an imperative. Learn how biases and stereotypes originate and how intentions impact others unexpectedly. Get new strategies and tools and increase your ability to teach others.