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This policy explains the manner, timing, and other restrictions about Coopwood Diversity Leadership & Education Universal. LLC (CDL) shipping, delivery, or fulfillment of our products and services.



CDL endeavors to provide its services within the limits of each respective contract or service. Logistics to assure timely delivery of service is completed at least two weeks before the service time. In the event of emergencies, health, or other issues by CDL, clients will be offered continuing services at the earliest possible opportunity per a mutually beneficial new timeline. CDL will abide by the same consideration for its clients.



Deliverables by CDL will be of the highest quality possible at the time of completion. Clients should expect expert delivery and content that exhibits compassion and competent exchanges, visuals, products, results, and instruction.



Clients should receive a proposal to conduct all CDL activities, whether with licensure or not. Fee services will be subject to contract and time constraints. All services are reviewed for impact to match the intent and for content to match context. CDL shall provide a high-grade professional presence while providing its services and obtain evaluation feedback for its client and future service recommendations. CDL services are research-based and provide cutting-edge thought leadership and diversity-related strategies for client perusal.



CDL does not guarantee specific results from its services, nor can we anticipate client response to service content. CDL will not be responsible for anti-diversity, racist, discriminatory, or unlawful reactions of any kind that result from the delivery of services as contracted. 

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