Coop’s Collaborative Partners
Brainchilds Design
If you want an advanced, user-friendly, and attractive website, get it done with Brainchilds Design. They do what they do for Coop Di Leu! If you love our site, then you love them. Get a consultation and make things happen for your business! Click this link: CoopDiLeu&BrainchildsDesign
Tell them “Coop” sent you.
Howspace is cutting-edge collaboration, facilitation, discussion, and learning tool for diversity, leadership, education, and other professionals! There are endless possibilities to conduct routine and special engagements with pre and post activities all in one space. You can even get a free trial period! This a service endorsed by Coop Di Leu because we know how important it is to get people’s input about diversity and other issues in real time and authentically. No matter how small or large the group, you can engage everyone with Howspace. Cut costs for travel and time by keeping people engaged in remote and hybrid experiences. Speed up the process from thought to implementation! Learn more. Get started. Control the narrative. Click this link: CoopDiLeuHowspacePartnership Tell them “Coop” sent you.
Validate the voices of underrepresented groups
Real-time data sensemaking of constituent perception on sensitive matters
Significantly improves the rates of each engagement
Improve collaboration and relations with senior colleagues
Track changes in perception and disposition over time
Full functional facilitation of townhalls and crisis engagements
ROI includes immense savings on time, resources, travel, and solution implementation
Theplannedevent is the service that puts on-site diversity, education, and leadership professionals in charge of their recognition, program, and awards events. This company plans Coop Di Leu’s national bootcamps, and hundreds of high-caliber social, formal, and private events around the country! They even have service to help training executives on business, dining, and cultural protocols. Make your next event a “planned event.” Click this link: CoopDiLeu&ThePlannedEvent
Leadership With Purpose and Passion
Coop Di Leu proudly partners with LWPAP for delivery of sundry leader development techniques and soft-skill excellence. This company specializes in federal agency transformation but is highly sought after by other industries as well. Check out their literature “I Need to Know Now!” for a hard-hitting and practical perspective on how managers can prosper as incoming leaders. Be a leader. Click the lick. CoopDiLeu&LWPAP
This partner is a premier resource when it comes to forming effective and transformative search committees. You need to know the best of best practices before you go hunting for new talent with old attractions! Plus, find a wealth of video resources on diversity as a critical component of search committee infrastructure. Do this right and institutionalize the core differences between diversity and affirmative action! Coop Di Leu recommends the following videos by Searchcommittees: The Business Case for Diversity and The Diversity Advantage: Incorporating Diversity Principles into the Selection Process. Click here to get started. CoopDiLeu&SearchCommittees Tell them that “Coop” sent you before you make a purchase.