Transformative Communications: Webinar Series
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DOIT Certification
The DOIT certification is the latest national intervention by Coop Di Leu. Partnering with Diverse: Issues in Higher Education, we aspire to engage institutions to pursue transformative and authentic national recognition. The Coop Di Leu webinar series Transformative Communications showcases the DOIT certification’s philosophy, purpose, and pragmatism. Participants will gain first-hand knowledge about the certifications make-up and the value-added components that make it the certification of choice for “We got this!” institutions. Tune in!
Better Thinking Better Diversification
Too often, institutions declare a need for large-scale climate studies before they know what to “study” about themselves or those to be served. Better Thinking Better Diversification provides the opportunity to dissect the thought-life that goes into decisions about diversification – the first of which is WHO is doing the thinking! It entails in-depth knowledge transfer to help align diversity leaders with themselves and with people who see them and their work through different lenses.
Topics covered will include:
What color is your thought-life? A short, interactive segment that literally reveals a participant’s preferred mode of thinking about diversity.
How to work with different thinker types.
Constructing a thought-life tactical plan.
Building a Transformative Website
This webinar is for the diversity professional who wants to join the growing consultation field. Getting out there is not for the faint at heart. Marketing a diversity consulting business can be even more challenging. Participants will learn essential considerations for launching a site from an expert site developer! Get ready to take lots of notes and ask loads of questions! This is an unprecedented opportunity to transform yourself into a virtual image you can be proud of and gain untold financial benefits!
Topics include:​
Shaping your image.
Picking a designer.
Researching sites.
Creating your site “feel.”
Developing your visual brand
Attracting visitors.